As the TEC Lighting family grows around the world, so does the prevalence of UV coaters. As a leader in UV coating technology, we have partnered up with only the best in the print industry. The TEC Lighting name is well-renowned around the globe, and Mexico is no exception.
With a booming demand for UV coating and curing equipment in Mexico, Mr. Cristóbal Gutiérrez and family, owners of PrintaPronto in Mexico City, are responsible for expanding the TEC Lighting name in this region. Mr. Gutiérrez and his team have been affiliated with TEC Lighting for the past 3 ½ years, and have sold an impressive amount of units. In addition, his impeccable professionalism and business sense have been the driving force in generating a remarkable clientele list in just a few short years.
For more information on the TEC Lighting brand of UV coaters in Mexico, please contact Cristóbal Gutiérrez at